July 4th -Another Bday in heaven
hello my warrior
I cant believe its my 2nd year without you, when it still feels so fresh.
though I have been absent from your blog for quite some time, the weight I carry is never absent and still – not one day that goes by that I don’t think of you and miss you to my soul. You were just a huge part of my every day life. The joys of being able to take you with me every day yet the heavy impact and huge emptiness I have in your absence. The void is indescribable. I throw myself into so many projects to avoid over focusing on loosing you. yet then I think of what you would say.. how you would say it with your face—I promise to fill my house with more barking rescues. Im working on it; just working through some logistical things. but I do have a couple of your favorite new meow rescues, you would loooveee them. One step at a time, I suppose. You were the brave one, I was the over thinker….miss you, and happy birthday. Also the only dog I met that actually liked fireworks, I guess it made sense since that was her birthday and she was a firecracker, almost an eternal flame..:)
To my Tripawd family: I keep all of you tripawds( esp the cancer fighters) in my heart and my mind, do not let my silence reflect my passion and my thoughts of each one of you.
Love you all.
Neka’s Guardian
Angel Neka

happy, happy!!
July 11th, 2018 at 10:52 pm
So glad to see you post again….Happy birthday in heaven, sweet girl! Have you met a ridiculously handsome black Dobie Warrior named Nitro up there? He’s been there nearly a year, and I miss him so. If you see him, tell him his mom says “hi”…maybe you two are fast friends, the way your mom and I are. Sweet Neka, what a joy to see your face again – take care, run free.
Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro
July 11th, 2018 at 11:16 pm
Stephanie, you made our day here at Tripawds HQ, thank you so much for posting on this bittersweet day. No doubt it was emotional for you.
Your love for Neka is timeless. One year, two years, ten years, you two shared a bond that transcends the boundaries of what we call “days.” I know that feeling well, as we carry the same torch for our Jerry. Once that special dog comes into your life, none other comes close.
We are furever grateful for all you do to help support this community. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Neka’s legacy will always be here no matter what, we promise you that. She was a warrior through and through, and a firecracker who lights up our hearts for all time.
Much love to you on this occasion, and always.
Rene, Jim, Wyatt Ray, Spirit Jerry & the Tripawds Nation