Hello my friends, we are in need of strong, strong prayers.
Today we were driving with a friend, a friend that my girl loves, loves. My girl was get all worked up, which I contributed to being excited/anxious, a bit out of character as but she pulled it few times over the last month. Well then she all of a sudden about 20mn later started to hyperventilate with vocalization with a breath out.. I looked at her and her eyes glazed over, Im like what is going on. Pulled over abruptly to the side of the road, got her out and let her stand and then lay down a bit in fresh air. Gave her about 10 mn and she seemed way better, I said to her seeee… don’t get so worked up. We got back into the car I decided to sit in the back with her which I never do, not since her amputation, because she a great travel dog, but figured I had a friend with me and clearly shes all excited over something. Got her back in the car and then all of a sudden her eyes dialated and her jaw locked she became extremely weak.. She started to tank, her breathing increased but with out opening her mouth to pant… OMG… we are in the middle of now where 1 hr from home and 1.5 hours from her emergency doctor… we google ANY vet, rush her there, he says her heart rate is slow and muffled, her gums and tongue are NOW slight blue/ white..and getting whiter.. Im like does she need 02.. he said he though maybe she was bleeding somewhere or that she had a cardiac issue.. He gave her an injection of, I cant remember what to increase her heart rate, (this clinic was not equipt with much, very country, but GOD bless this guy for reacting quickly) We rushed her to specialty center at this point we didnt know if shed make it. Well what ever he gave her helped perk her up a bit more and she looked way better, still not right but better.
She gets to VSC and they are prompt in treating her, because now she was getting worse again, after all it was an hour plus drive….. results.. she had fluid build up in her pericardium (sac around the heart) and xrays of chest showed no mass growth in lungs or heart. but ultrasound showed a 2-5cm mass on the liver that is encapsulated in a fluid sac. All soooo shocking to me. She said her heart is strong, and theres no thickening and good beat… But theres a cancer called hemangiosarcoma that starts in the liver and mets to the heart….WHAAT.. even though no mass is seen in the heart theres no way to know for sure if its just small enough that it cant be seen but is bleeding out. because in the Ultrasound (US) there was so source of leakage from the heart, hence could be CA cells…
Needles to say.. I am devastated….. sooo devastated. My girls had to stay over night.. shes stable , perkier and walking again at the moment but the call as of 8:30pm is that there is a slight bit more fluid back in the pericardium but shes its not currently affecting her.
My options, surgery to remove the mass and possible splenectomy, because apparently it can cross to the spleen and its safer to just remove it if your already in there, and to have a pericardium window, where you put a small hole in the pericardium for the fluid to leak out on its own and get reabsorbed… These are sooo drastic… soo drastic…. Theres one herbal blood coagulator that can stop bleeding,, this may be our only hope they started it on her.. but we need some prayers…
IDK If I want to risk her in surgery because we dont know if its meted anywhere else and If i had to open her up and find it everywhere. if its 2-5 cm thats kinda big and we clearly missed it…as far as the pericardium window, its done by accesses it between the ribs, but she says it might only buy me 6months.. Well weve beat odds before… I feel like a dumy for not staying on apocaps earlier….
can APOCAPS be given if there is microscopic bleeding from a hemangiosarcoma?.. I guess I better find out asap….
I just pray we can keep the heart thing at bay.. so I can bring her home and be together…. and when its time.. please dear GOD I pray for it to be natural and peaceful…. not from a procedure…..
Sorry we let everyone down.. we were banging along.. I just posted a couple days ago how awesome we are doing!!